While I am a huge Space Hulk fan, my W40K experience begins and ends with that particular board game, so I have no experience with any other Warhammer or Warhammer 40K games, much less Dark Heresy. This will obviously be a big departure from the normal D&D games I run (well, because of the characters, not because of the fun aspect ). We won't be overly concerned with everything being perfect, just fun.

I'll use bow/crossbow rules for their storm bolters, and try to apply appropriate class features as well as possible. Since it will be a one-off, they likely won't consider the game as canon for their characters, and we're not concerned with the fact that there will be Space Marines in a D&D setting in this game. We'll be playing board games (Space Hulk, Castle Ravenloft, etc.), but it was brought up that some of the players would possibly like to do a one-off game of D&D using characters they have from Dark Heresy.

This weekend I'm going to be doing a game night with a different group than I usually DM for.